At the invitation of Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi, Kazakhstan’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Murat Nurtleu will pay an official visit to China and hold the first China-Kazakhstan foreign ministers’ strategic dialogue from March 28 to 30.
Global Times: It’s reported that on March 25, governments of the US and the UK accused, filed charges and sanctioned the hacking group “APT31” linked to the Chinese government for malicious cyberattacks, claiming that it has gravely undermined their democratic institutions and electoral systems. Australia and New Zealand echoed their claims, and New Zealand said another hacking group “APT40” linked to the Chinese government had launched cyberattacks against their parliamentary system. What’s your comment?
Lin Jian: China firmly opposes and combats all kinds of cyberattacks, and is committed to working with all countries, on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, to strengthen cooperation and jointly deal with the threats of cybersecurity through channels such as bilateral dialogue or judicial assistance. The Chinese side has made technical clarifications and responses to the so-called “APT31”-related information submitted by the British side, and made it clear that the evidence provided by the British side was inadequate and relevant conclusions lack professionalism. But unfortunately, there has been no further response from the British side.
For some time, driven by its own geopolitical agenda, the US has encouraged “Five Eyes Alliance”, the world’s largest intelligence organization led by the US itself, to compile and spread all kinds of disinformation about the threats posed by the so-called “Chinese hackers”. Now along with the UK, the US is hyping up the so-called “Chinese cyberattacks” and even launching groundless unilateral sanctions against China. China firmly opposes this, we have made strong démarches to the US and relevant parties and will take necessary measures to safeguard our lawful rights and interests.
China’s relevant cybersecurity institutions have released a series of reports on the US government’s cyberattacks on China and other countries. Yet the US government has been silent about them. We urge the US to adopt a responsible approach in cyberspace and stop framing the innocent.
Beijing Daily: It was reported that on March 25, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2728 proposed by countries including Algeria that demands an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Fourteen members of the Security Council, including China, voted in favor of it and the US abstained. This is the first time since the outbreak of the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict that the Security Council adopted a resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire. What is China’s comment?
Lin Jian: China’s Permanent Representative to the UN has fully elaborated on China’s position in his remarks after the vote at the Security Council. The raging conflict in Gaza has caused a severe humanitarian crisis. Resolution 2728 of the Security Council unequivocally demands an immediate ceasefire, expansion of the flow of humanitarian assistance to Gaza and lifting of all barriers to the provision of humanitarian assistance at scale. This is in line with the right direction of Security Council actions and responds to the extensive aspiration of the international community. China welcomes the resolution.
Security Council resolutions are binding. We call on the parties concerned to fulfill their obligations under the United Nations Charter and to take due action as required by the resolution. We expect the state with significant influence to play a positive role on the party concerned, including by using all necessary and effective means at their disposal to support the implementation of the resolution. The Security Council must continue to follow closely the situation in Gaza and get ready for further actions when necessary to ensure the timely and full implementation of the resolution. China will continue to make unremitting efforts together with all parties to bring an early end to the fighting in Gaza, alleviate the humanitarian catastrophe, and implement the two-State solution.
Anadolu Agency: You said that the resolution is binding. However, the US Permanent Representative to the UN said after the vote that the resolution is non-binding, despite the fact that UNSC resolutions are binding according to Article 25 of the UN Charter. So what is China’s comment about this argument of the US?
Lin Jian: I just made clear China’s position. Security Council resolutions are binding. We call on the parties concerned to fulfill their obligations under the United Nations Charter and to take due action as required by the resolution. We expect the state with significant influence to play a positive role on the party concerned, including by using all necessary and effective means at their disposal to support the implementation of the resolution. The Security Council must continue to follow closely the situation in Gaza and get ready for further actions when necessary to ensure the timely and full implementation of the resolution. China will continue to make unremitting efforts together with all parties to bring an early end to the fighting in Gaza, alleviate the humanitarian catastrophe, and implement the two-State solution.
China Daily: Today marks the one year anniversary of the diplomatic relations between China and Honduras. How does China comment on the development of bilateral ties between China and Honduras in the past year?
Lin Jian: Today marks the one year anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Honduras. President Xi Jinping and President Xiomara Castro exchanged messages of congratulations, in which they spoke highly of the growth of bilateral ties in the past year and expressed solid commitment to further cementing mutual trust and expanding cooperation.
One year ago, China and Honduras established diplomatic relations on the basis of the one-China principle. Our two countries joined hands across the Pacific and opened up a new chapter of bilateral ties. In June last year, President Xiomara Castro of Honduras paid a state visit to China. The two heads of state had a historic meeting and the two countries signed 17 cooperation agreements, laying an important foundation for the bilateral relations to take off from a high level. Over the past year, the two countries have firmly supported each other on issues bearing on each other’s core interests, and carried out fruitful cooperation in the areas of economy and trade, agriculture, science and technology, education and tourism, which displayed broad prospects and enormous potential. The fast growth of China-Honduras relations fully proves that establishing and developing relations with China on the basis of the one-China principle is where global opinion trends and where the arc of history bends, and it serves the fundamental interests of both countries and peoples.
China highly values its relations with Honduras. We will work with Honduras to implement the important common understandings between the two presidents, further consolidate political mutual trust on the basis of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit and common development, and deepen cooperation and exchanges in various areas. We believe that with the concerted efforts of both sides, the tree of China-Honduras friendship will grow tall and bear more fruits.
CCTV: We saw earlier comments in some Western media about “challenges” China faces in attracting foreign investment. We’ve noted, however, that foreign businesses swarmed to the China Development Forum 2024 which concluded yesterday. Business leaders from nearly 100 multinationals including Apple, HSBC, BNP Paribas and Mercedes-Benz gathered in Beijing and expressed the desire to scale up investment in China. What in your view enables China to remain a strong magnet to global investors?
Lin Jian: I too have noted that during this year’s Forum, quite a few leaders of international organizations and from the global business community spoke favorably of China’s economic prospects. IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva said that zooming in on China, they saw a new era of high-quality growth, and that China will continue to be a key contributor to global economic growth.” President of the Asian Development Bank Masatsugu Asakawa said China’s solid growth has been a primary contributor to growth in Asia and the Pacific, and that looking ahead for China, they see a stable growth trajectory in 2024. Some Fortune 500 executives had highly packed schedules in China in addition to attending the Forum. Many said that China is the world’s manufacturing hub, the second largest consumer market, and one of the most innovative frontier markets. They have full confidence in China’s economic prospects, and are ready to continue to invest in China.
Their confidence stems from the steady and sustained growth of China’s economy and high-quality development. It’s also backed by China’s super-sized market, complete industrial system, high-caliber labor force, and world-class, market-oriented business environment governed by a sound legal framework. Last year, China announced 24 measures to stabilize foreign investment and took the lead in aligning five free trade zones and the Hainan Free Trade Port with high-standard international economic and trade rules on a pilot basis. The 2024 Report on the Work of the Government mentions that all market access restrictions on foreign investment in manufacturing will be abolished, and market access restrictions in services sectors, such as telecommunications and healthcare, will be reduced. The State Council published the other day an action plan to steadily promote high-standard opening up and make greater efforts to attract and utilize foreign investment. The government will do more to attract foreign investment through down-to-earth measures such as broadening market access and facilitating the flow of innovation factors. Statistics from the Ministry of Commerce show that in January and February this year, 7,160 foreign-invested companies were established in China, marking a year-on-year increase of 34.9 percent, which is a record high in the past five years.
Partnering with China will bring more opportunities. To invest in China is to win the future. China is advancing Chinese modernization on all fronts and developing innovation-driven new quality productive forces at a faster pace. This will bring Chinese and foreign investors infinite market opportunities and broad development prospects. Companies from all countries are welcome to invest and flourish in China, and add new stories to the reservoir of mutually beneficial cooperation between China and the rest of the world.
BBC: What is your message to the US and UK governments after their statements yesterday accusing China of state cyber crime?
Lin Jian: I stated China’s position just now. The US and the UK once again hyped up the so-called cyberattacks from China and sanctioned China’s individuals and entities. This is sheer political manipulation. China strongly deplores and firmly opposes this. We have lodged serious representations to relevant parties. We urge the US and the UK to stop politicizing cybersecurity issues, stop smearing China and imposing unilateral sanctions on China, and stop cyberattacks against China. China will take necessary measures to firmly safeguard its lawful rights and interests.
AFP: My question relates to a South Korean footballer called Son Jun-ho. He used to play for Shandong Taishan football club. Previously Mr. Son was reported to be under investigation in China for corruption-related offenses. The South Korean government has now said that he has been released from China and has returned to South Korea. Can the Foreign Ministry confirm that Mr. Son has been released and sent back to his own country? Does the timing of his return have anything to do with the succession of corruption convictions that have been announced in the sports sector today?
Lin Jian: We briefly spoke about the case before. On the latest specifics about the case, I’d refer you to competent Chinese authorities. Let me say broadly that China upholds the rule of law. The case is handled in strict accordance with the law, and the lawful rights and interests of the person concerned are duly protected.
Reuters: The Philippines has been in conflict with China over the South China Sea. Indian foreign minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar met with the Philippines’ foreign minister and said he supports the Philippines in upholding its sovereignty and wants to cooperate more on defense and security. Do you have a comment on that?
Lin Jian: Maritime disputes are issues between the countries concerned. Third parties have no right to interfere whatsoever. We urge relevant parties to face squarely the facts and truth on the South China Sea issue, and respect China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests and the efforts of regional countries to keep the South China Sea peaceful and stable.
Bloomberg: There have been media reports that Chinese leader may meet with a group of overseas CEOs tomorrow. So I’m wondering if the Foreign Ministry could comment on this.
Lin Jian: The Chinese government encourages and supports friendly exchange and cooperation between the Chinese and American business communities and various sectors. Companies from the US and other countries are welcome to invest and flourish in China, and we are committed to providing them with a world-class, market-oriented environment governed by a sound legal framework. On the event you mentioned, I have no information to share at this moment.
Reuters: Zambia has reached a new debt restructuring deal in principle with a group of international bond holders. China is one of the largest creditors for Zambia. Can you please confirm if the debt restructuring deal is correct and can you provide any further comment?
Lin Jian: I do not have the specifics and would refer you to the competent authorities. Let me say more broadly that as the co-chair of the Creditor Committee for Zambia, China has worked with relevant parties and achieved important progress in Zambia’s debt treatment. China will continue to coordinate with relevant parties to properly move forward the debt treatment process.
Beijing Youth Daily: The Japanese government decided to lift the ban on the export of next-generation fighter jets set to be jointly developed with Britain and Italy at a Cabinet meeting and revised the implementation guidelines of Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology at the national security conference. Some say that the revision of the implementation guidelines removes the bottleneck of Japan’s ban on lethal weapons exports that has been implemented for over 70 years after the end of World War II. It also facilitates Japan’s future direct exports of warships, submarines and other advanced military equipment to a third country. What’s your comment?
Lin Jian: China noted relevant reports and expresses grave concern over the decision. Given Japan’s not-too-distant history of militarist aggression, Japan’s military and security moves are closely watched by its Asian neighbors and the international community. In recent years, Japan has been drastically readjusting its security policy, increasing defense spending year after year, relaxing restrictions on arms export and seeking military breakthroughs. These moves trigger serious concerns among Japan’s neighboring countries and the international community. We urge Japan to earnestly respect the security concerns of neighboring countries, deeply reflect on its history of aggression, commit itself to the path of peaceful development and earn the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community through concrete actions.